I still can’t get used to calling Czech Republic “Czechia”, but I thought I’d try, at least for this post! Even my Czech husband still calls it Czech Republic (or normally Czech for short). Anyway, for years he has been telling me that we should visit the Moravian winelands, in the east of Czechia, more specifically in new wine season (more on new wine later). This year we finally did it, as a group of friends with whom we did Wine-and-Cycling Trip 1.0 with last year in the Alsace wanted to go on Wine-and-Cycling Trip 2.0. In fact for us it was actually the third wine and cycling trip, since we also rode along the Saale river valley. We planned our trip to Moravia in September, which is new wine season.
Ferdi’s last walk
We lost a friend this weekend. A big, dear, white, doggy friend, my husband’s family’s dog. At least he lived to a good age, but we will really miss seeing him when we visit the family. He had a big, blocky head and he would often push your hand or leg with his head so that you would give him a pat. Every time we visited, we would take him and the other dog for a walk in the countryside, in all seasons. I thought I’d share the photos I took of some of our walks over the years, starting from the earliest about three and a half years ago. You’ll see how the scenery changes with the different seasons.
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #33 – Monsoon summer
So far, this is the rainiest summer I’ve spent in Berlin. My first few summers here were good, so last year I was already surprised when June was cold and rainy. This year the cool and rainy weather continued into July, with quite a few days where it bucketed down. Sometimes it was cool and rainy, sometimes warm and rainy with thunderstorms. Continue reading

Notes from the Czech countryside – June, the red month
In Czech, June is called červen, which might be related to the word červený, meaning red. Another theory is that červen could come from červ (worm), because the cochineal larvae used for making red dye were around in early summer. Apparently they are now almost all extinct. Either way, June is a red month. The red poppies are out in all the fields and some of the red fruits (cherries, strawberries) are ripe too.
Weekend as Popelka in Brno
Popelka is the Czech version of Cindarella, screened every year around Christmas time (she’s also quite popular in Germany and Russia, I’ve heard). Fairytales are popular in Czech Republic; they are on TV all the time. Continue reading
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #23 – 2 in 1
We’re now in the good part of summer where it’s warm enough to wear a skirt or shorts almost every day. It feels like summer is just beginning as time goes so quickly, so I was a bit disconcerted to realize that we’re heading into our last month of summer now that it’s almost August. We’ve had a lot of unsettling news lately, what with Brexit, various terror attacks across the world, and the attempted coup in Turkey. Crazy times. However, here are some of the good moments from the last two weeks for the Weekly Small Pleasures blog event. From small pleasures from far away in New Zealand, you can also check out Thistles and Kiwis! Continue reading
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #18 – Lilac and canola
We are headed off on another adventure in few minutes, but before we go I wanted to do a Weekly Small Pleasures blog post. Weekly Small pleasures is Mani’s blog event where you highlight the little things that made you happy this week. For her post and other people’s, head here. Here are mine:
It’s May.
What’s not to love about May in Berlin: it’s a month full of public holidays. 1 May is Worker’s day, but this year it was a Sunday and they didn’t give the Monday off, so we lost out on that one. Then there is “Himmelfahrt” (Ascension Thursday – date varies by year) and also “Pfingsten” (Pentecost – date varies by year), which seem to always fall in May too. So last Thursday instead of sitting in the office I was kayaking in Neu Venedig (New Venice), and this weekend is a long weekend and we’re headed off for a bike tour in the Alsace wine region of France! This promises to be quite an adventure (possibly an uncomfortable one, since we’re taking two night trains and sleeping on tatami mats in a Yurt one night, with a dry toilet and cold shower, oh the horror) – but I guess that’s what the wine is for. Unfortunately being away means this year we’ll miss the Carnival of Cultures.

It feels like not long ago I was wearing boots, a jacket, scarf and gloves, and now I’m in a T-shirt and need to carry sunglasses. This is how rapidly the temperatures can increase in Berlin! But I’m not complaining, I much prefer warm weather. Plus, I’m pretty sure my vitamin D levels must have been super low after the long grey season and now is a chance to soak up some sun and make some more! I feel more energetic already.
The trees have flowers.
I haven’t got over the novelty of flowers on all the trees yet. Yes, the little pieces of flowers blowing in the wind get into your eyes when you’re on the cycling lane – but everything is so beautiful!
How to make an Easter Egg Tree
Easter is coming and so is spring! Although I quite like the warm Christmas we have in the southern hemisphere, I do find that spring is probably a nicer time to have Easter, like they do in the northern hemisphere, since it comes with the added excitement of the arrival of spring. In Germany I first came into contact with the Easter egg tree, and have since also seen them in other countries such as Czech and Slovenia (apparently you can also see them in Austria, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary). Sometimes people decorate trees or shrubs outside, but you also see cut branches decorated in vases. This year I decided to make my own Easter egg tree. Continue reading
Daily Life
Since moving to Berlin I’ve seen and experienced lots of new things and have learnt a lot. At times there has also been some culture shock, although now that I’ve been here a while I don’t tend to notice these things anymore. Here are some posts I’ve written about our daily life here. For more on our travels, you can visit the Travel page.
10 things I dislike about Berlin
March – Wildlife in the Garden
How to make an Easter egg tree
The wedding planning continues
South Africa meets Czech Republic: our Protea-themed wedding
Weekly Small Pleasures Blog event:
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #1 – Park Life
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #2 – Weekend in Czech
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #3 – Strawberry Fields
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #4 – Beer, food and sports
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #5 – Food and more food
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #6 – Summer days
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #7 – Summer flowers
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #8 – Summer thunderstorms
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #9 – Cake and Kayaking
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #10 – Changing seasons
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #11 – Early autumn
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #12 – Christmas is coming
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #13 – Christmas market season
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #14 – Frost and Christmas
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #15 – Emerging from winter
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #16 – Spring has arrived!
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #17 – Berlin and Brandenburg
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #18 – Lilac and canola
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures # 19 – There and back again
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #20 – Cambridge in spring
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #21 – Summer days
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #22 – Summer in the city
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #23 – 2 in 1
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #24 – Holding onto summer
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #25 – Winter is coming!
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #26 – Cold but cosy
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #27 – Autumn pleasures
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #28 – Going back in time
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #29 – Chocolate, kriek and autumn forest
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #30 – November ’16
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #31 – Spring things
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #32 – Roses and burrs
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #33 – Monsoon summer
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #34 – Work hard, play hard
Middle Europe Weekly Small Pleasures #35 – Winter is coming (2)